Hey, I like this post too. I think I shall subscribe. I found you through a random note that showed up in my stream, you know, because I commented on that first.


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😁 Yes, funny how that works. Glad you like this one too, I really enjoyed making it.

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Looking and feeling more than the obvious is a gift 🥰 love the observations about your findings especially about the colours! I can't wait to feel Autumn here, still too hot for the season 😌

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Ah, Theresa, I somehow missed your comment here? Has autumn arrived where you are by now? Our weather is turning very wintery and we might even get some snow tonight 🤞🏻

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No worries Nino 😊 here in Portugal we are feeling the first cold days, which means Winter is close ❄️ and there was snow on Thursday, not in the city unfortunately!

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It's a joy to find people who see the world in a different way to yourself, it awakens all sorts of possibilities, but is also hugely comforting to find others who describe a moment as though they have been inside your own skin and that is what you have done here Nino. I too adore the zingy yellow that pops in Autumn and my suggestion is to explore how it sits in the lichen - alongside the blue-greys, orangey-ochre, mossy green and the deep wet browns of the bark - all delicious.

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I’m so glad that you could find a moment of comfort through my words and drawings. And your suggestions are so good, I can’t wait to try them out!

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Beautifully expressed Nino and such a good reminder to slow down and take in the beginning of a new season. Even though it is spring here in Australia I live in an area where it hasn’t rained in months so every thing is not very spring like so I think I’m going to have to look a little bit harder to find it. So glad I got to experience a bit of spring when I travelled to the carnival of flowers recently and have photos to inspire me😍

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This reminds me of when I lived in South Africa and we would sometimes have to wait until November for a first bit of rain after the winter drought. Oh! If you could bottle the smell of those first drops on the dry soil…

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Thank you for taking us on a journey of autumn colours - colouring our senses infinitely more.

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It was a pleasure to put my observations into words and drawings.

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