Mar 12Liked by Nino van Vuuren

The composition from the angle you painted it is wonderful. And I really like the reflections in the silver!

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Thank you, Lisa! I really enjoyed painting those reflections in the silver teapot.

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Best composition tip ever… I was complaining to my husband that I tend to draw scenes just form a straight ahead view, being all dramatic about it. His answer: ‘ Maybe just move?’ 🤯

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It such a simple trick, and yet, so easy to forget about. Glad it helped!

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I quite enjoy the way you share your sketch with the location you just sketched in the background. I should’ve said that several newsletters ago.

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Thank you, Cheryl! For me that photo serves double purpose - I sometimes forget to write the date on my sketch, but then I could just go look at the information on the photo and write it in later at home. And then I also already have a photo of the sketch, which means that I can’t procrastinate on taking a photo of the sketch. It’s good to hear that people also like what it looks like.

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Mar 8Liked by Nino van Vuuren

Will send you a message. I moved last month and now I live close to Haarlem! :D And very close next the Kennemerduinen. <3

I think I know this spot with the trees. I got the chills, so many trees all bent and warped. Also still many birds.

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I sent you a message, looking forward to sketching with you again!

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Mar 7Liked by Nino van Vuuren

That was such a beautiful visceral description of your walk in the rain… thank you! A great reminder to be in touch with nature no matter the weather. ☺️ Conversely it’s going to be 40 degrees here tomorrow… such sweaty hands for drawing.

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Thank you! 40 degrees celcius, wow! That is some extreme heat! Hope your art supplies don’t melt away.

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Mar 7Liked by Nino van Vuuren

Now I'm tempted to join the 100people challenge 😊 loved to read about your drawing on the rain and all the feelings/thoughts that came in!

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Yes, do join! Suhita has a free zoom session on the Monday (evening for us) to give you a kick start. I’m thinking that I will have to do very quick sketches with almost no detail if I want to manage a hundred in a week.

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I won’t do thé 100 people challenge the right week : too much work and another challenge, but I will do it the last week of march.

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Doing it on the exact same dates isn’t that important after all, but rather putting in the effort and hopefully getting more comfortable with drawing figures. I’m planning on starting a chat stream where everyone can post their sketches, and you are welcome to post yours at the end of the month too.

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Mar 7Liked by Nino van Vuuren

I love the fresh air after the rain or storm, I find it invigorating.

I wasn't planning on doing the 100 people challenge, but I'm tempted now. Love your sketches, beautiful!

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Even if you don’t reach a hundred and rather set the goal of seeing how many you can do in the five days, it will be worth the effort. And hopefully fun.

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