Feb 1Liked by Nino van Vuuren

Thank you, Nino for sharing your personal dilemma. You are a terrific artist and writer, as well. What a decision you have had to make! It sounds like you have made a supreme effort to stick with your situation, and I congratulate you for your courage and your standards. I’m thankful that, now, we know how to contact you. I’m glad that you have friends nearby who support you and those of us across the miles!!!!! I have lost m y glasses and am using dime store readers so , hopefully, this makes sense.

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Feb 2Liked by Nino van Vuuren

Thank you Nino for sharing the real thing. I've been using IG for a couple of years now and sometimes it is very overwhelming. I've met some artists friends there and that is the most amazing thing about it, besides that i can't understand the algorithm and i don't expect much of it, i am taking it slow.

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Feb 1Liked by Nino van Vuuren

I came back to say that this is my personal short experience on instagram and not a judgement of you. In fact I absolutely see that artists trying to make a living spend an awful lot of time making content and reels which do help people like me but don't make them any money.

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Apr 16Liked by Nino van Vuuren

Thank you for starting an account on substack. No algorithms or commercials. Very pleasant.

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Thank you for this! I'm also considering just giving up on instagram. Maybe I've given up already. I just don't have it in me to battle the algorithm all day long. I post all my drawings there but more to be able to look back on my artistic journey than to try to attract new followers or anything like that. It's just way too much work and you have to keep running to stay still. And then there is little time left to do any art.

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Thank you for sharing this. I can absolutely relate. I feel so burnt out with the social media circus. I love meeting new people and seeing their lives but the cost is so much and I'm tired of paying it. I might start a plan to do exactly what you did.

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Thanks for sharing Nino...I can so relate to this! You’ve described perfectly how I’ve been feeling about Instagram ever since my first account was hacked and deleted and my IP address blacklisted for no reason. A friend created my latest account but this time around I’ve not enjoyed being on it but have listened to others who say I need to be on it😏. You’ve made me think more seriously about saying farewell to it.

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Thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciate the link to the TEDtalk, too. I've taken several "sabbaticals" from social media but this year, in particular, I'm off it entirely -- apart from substack -- and trying to get all of my "digital life" reined in while letting my creative life flourish more and more.

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Feb 7Liked by Nino van Vuuren

This is an interesting and well-respected perspective on Instagram and social media in general.

It is clear that one needs to have a strong, focused and thoroughly-executed social media strategy, otherwise you become social media's strategy.

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Feb 2Liked by Nino van Vuuren

Thank you for this thoughtful post, Nino. Not raw at all :)

I'd be interested in reading in a few months time how you feel about using this platform, Substack. As this is a space where you take more time writing, expanding on it. It seems to generate more comments and interactions (raises her hand) as well. Your 'content' may be less of a commodity, here. We as readers may be responding on a different level as the reading is asking more of us, unlike scrollable photos and art. I'm thinking of the old (20th century) communications aphorism 'the medium is the message'. Still true, but sometimes we forget, as the socials are so good at making us :)

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Feb 1Liked by Nino van Vuuren

Thanks for taking the time to write this Nino. I only started using instagram last year (I've never felt the need to be cutting edge) when I started a daily sketchbook practice. I found you through substack though😘

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I can fall down a rabbit hole watching artists’ reels on Instagram (some of which are techniques/ media that I know I’ll ever try). Hard to imagine that these really result in revenue or sales for the artist.

I also have tried posting my own art on IG through various different accounts. My daughter and my friends always “like” them 😀 but otherwise I get very little response, and then I wonder why- is my work bad? Or is it my hashtags?

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Wonderfully written, thank you! I’m slowly stepping away from Insta too, all those ads! 😒

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Blessings on you Nino. I am grateful that I found my way to you, it wasn’t Instagram by the way.

The disappointing social media experience and all that entails that you relate is not exclusive to creative pursuits, sadly, but I think the common denominator to it all is passionate pursuits.

My journey has been wild beyond my dreams, excruciating beautiful and equally as painful and everything in between.

I came to art as the only way powerful enough to deal with that journey.

You inspire me and you have helped anchor me in rough waters.

That’s pretty f’in amazing and I thank you for that and so much more.

I don’t think you realize how amazing you are.

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