
From sketch outing to final sellable work

The process behind one of my forest landscape paintings

One doesn’t often get the chance to see the process behind an artist’s work, and yet, it plays such an important and unmissable role. Most of the time one would only see the final work. However, today you can get a peek into the creation process of one of my forest landscape paintings, from the sketch outing, to the exploration sketches, all the way to the final sellable work.

Taking into consideration that ‘creating’ includes a lot of different things, from garments, to paintings, essays, meals, furniture and more. Do you have a specific process that you follow every time you create something or does your process change depending on the project?

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Did you know: You can now also buy me a pencil to help support my work.

I have to admit that I felt really inspired to get up and create right after I finished my final watch through of this video. I hope it does the same for you.

Thank you for reading and thank you for watching.

May you enjoy every moment of your creation process!


Thanks for reading Sketch. Explore. Create!! This is an AI free publication with real art made with physical art supplies and no AI text generation whatsoever. Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.