
Packing art supplies for a weekend away

What I packed and what I actually ended up using

Some tips when packing to go sketch on location:

  • Keep the weather in mind. If it is cold and humid, for instance, watercolours might just take forever to dry.

  • Also keep in mind how much time you will have to sketch. When I go for a morning walk, I only take my tiny sketchbook and a black marker. I know that I won’t stop for more than five minutes at a time to sketch. When I am on holiday with my family, I know all I’ll have is probably about 15 minutes at a time. But when I go out on my own or with other sketcher friends I know I can have up to two hours at a time, and the materials I can pack is vastly different.

  • And lastly, what is that one thing that you draw or paint with, that makes you happy just by holding it? Even before you start sketching? Because that is the one thing that you should definitely pack. It helps to get your mind in the right mode to make sketches from your heart.

And since you are now probably thinking about that favourite thing to draw or paint with… tell us what it is in the comments. I wonder if any of our favourite things will overlap.

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NEXT WEEK I will be sharing all the sketches I made during our weekend away. (The good as well as the bad.) And we’ll talk a bit about how to approach a new type of scenery and what to do with the downright bad sketches. So subscribe to make sure that you don’t miss it!

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