“That which is common is often undervalued”, I heard a friend say over the weekend. How sad and true that is. That leads me to think of the home. A place that is so common in some areas that it is easy to forget that not everyone in the world has one. That you can count yourself blessed if your home is a place where you feel safe and loved.
With that said, here are three watercolour sketches in celebration and appreciation of the ordinary home.
Not the specially styled houses that you see in glossy magazines, but homes that show traces of the humans that live there. Kitchens with that morning’s dirty dishes. Hastily made beds. Rooms with half done projects. Laundry piles patiently waiting in the already cramped bathroom. Tables that show the aftermath of a shared meal. Toilets and showers, and toothbrushes and sinks.
Here’s to the place that catches most of our tears and witnesses our victories and joys.
Here’s to the home!
Online workshop: Speed sketching with watercolour pencils
Capture memories in your sketchbook in 15 minutes or less
A few years ago my family and I went on vacation to the Austrian mountains and lakes. There was so much to see and I wanted to capture it all in my sketchbook, but my kids were still very young, so I struggled to squeeze in time for sketching. I quickly realised that if I wanted to make this work I will have to figure out how to sketch faster. By the end of the vacation I had found a way, using my watercolour pencils, to make quick sketches while my kids were eating a snack or running around on a playground. If I had figured this out before the vacation it would have saved me a lot of frustration and I would have been able to capture more memories and moments in my sketchbook. And that is what lead me to develop this workshop. To help you to capture memories in your sketchbook in 15 minutes or less.
Who is this workshop for?
This beginner friendly workshop is for anyone who would like to capture moments of their day in their sketchbook or journal.
Go here if you would like to know more about this live zoom workshop.
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May your sketchbook be filled with good memories!
You inspired me, I just made a drawing of my art ‘studio’ (which is a small spare room that also is my home office, which I love it to bits)
I love your art and approachable method!